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  • My Schools Forms and Policies

    3 Mar, 2022
    Click the title to view/download the document.
  • Overview of the Annual Security Report

    3 Mar, 2022

    95+ Policy Statements Regarding Various Areas, including Security and Safety Practices for the Institution

    Crime Statistics

    Definitions of Sexual Assault, Domestic/Dating Violence and Stalking (SADVDVS) and Procedures for Victims to Follow

    Procedures that the Institution will Follow for cases involving SADVDVS

    Reporting Options for all Clery Crimes

    Victim’s Rights and Available Accommodations

    On and Off Campus Resources for Crime Vic...
  • Definitions Specific to My School

    3 Mar, 2022
    ConsentThe State of Tennessee does not have a definition of consent. The University defines consent in its Interim Sexual Harassment & Sexual/Gender-Based Misconduct Policy as:“[A]n informed decision, freely given, made through mutually understandable words or actions that indicate a willingness to participate in mutually agreed upon activity. Consent cannot be given by an individual who is asleep; unconscious; or incapacitated, either through the effect of drugs/alcohol or for any other ...
  • Title IX Coordinator

    3 Mar, 2022
    The Title IX Coordinator is: Ceecy Reed | Email: | Phone: (901) 678-2713 
  • Prohibited Conduct

    3 Mar, 2022
    The University prohibits the crimes of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking, as those terms are defined by the Clery Act. Such behavior can impair or limit the educational and occupational opportunities of members of the University community and has no place in any academic environment. As such, the University has adopted Interim Sexual Harassment & Sexual/Gender-Based Misconduct Policy (included in this report as Appendix B), which is applicable to both student...
  • Campus Administrative Contact Person

    3 Mar, 2022
    If you have any questions regarding the Online Training Programs for CSAs or Responsible Employees, please contact your local campus administrator. The Local Campus Administrator is: Mark Heath | Email: | Phone: (901) 678-3800 
  • Reporting Structure for CSA’s

    3 Mar, 2022
    The Reporting Structure for my School is: Police Services | Email: | Phone: (901) 678-4357