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Overview of Course Objectives

2 Nov, 2014

Descriptions of Courses and Objectives on Dialog Platform

The General Campus Security Authority Training Course –A 1.5 hour program contains information about the following topics:

·  Who are “campus security authorities” and what are their reporting obligations?

·  Who is included and exempt from the reporting?

·  Geographic locations—understanding the geography for which criminal offenses need to be collected.

·  Classification and definition of crimes (Primary-Part 1 Crimes and Violence Against Women Act Crimes)

·  Issues for CSA’s regarding Arrests and Judicial Referrals for Drug, Liquor and Weapons Violations

·  Timely Warning requirements

·  Daily Log requirements

·  Annual disclosure requirements

·  Reporting Emergencies, Fires and Missing Persons

The Advanced Version of the Campus Security Authority Training Course–A 2 hour/30 minute designed for individuals who work in the campus law enforcement, public safety or security department and contains additional information about the following topics:

·  Consequences for non-compliance

·  Issues to keep in mind when writing the incident report for a Clery reportable crime

o  Geographic location considerations

o  Specific information regarding UCR Crime Definitions (Primary-Part 1 Crimes and Violence Against Women Act Crimes)

·  Multiple reporting requirements (State Code, Reporting to FBI and Clery Reporting)

·  Fire reporting requirements

·  Missing Person reporting requirements

·  Timely Warning Notice issues specific to the Police/Public Safety Agency on campus

·  Immediate Notification issues specific to the Police/Public Safety Agency on campus

The CSA Recertification Course contains information (25 Minutes) about the following topics:

·  Overview of recent media attention regarding institutions who are under review to remind the CSAs about the importance of their role.

·  Brief overview of who the “Campus Security Authorities” are and their reporting obligations.

·  Brief Overview of Clery Reportable Geography

·  Brief Overview of the Reportable Clery Crimes.

·  Brief Overview of the Timely Warning Notice. Requirements.

The Mini CSA Course designed for Study Abroad Advisors and Off Site Trip Leaders contains information (20 Minutes) about the following topics:

·  Overview of recent media attention regarding institutions who are under review to remind the CSAs about the importance of their role.

·  Brief overview of who the “Campus Security Authorities” are and how this applies to study abroad and trip advisors.

·  Brief Overview of Clery Reportable Geography

·  Brief Overview of the Reportable Clery Crimes.

·  Brief Overview of the Timely Warning Notice. Requirements.

The Title IX Reporter Training Course–a 1 hour/10 minute program contains information about the following topics:

·  Regulatory requirements

·  An institution’s obligations under Title IX regarding sexual harassment/violence

·  What constitutes discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence

·  Procedural requirements for prevention and correction of sex discrimination

·  Types of conduct that constitute sexual harassment

·  How to identify sexual harassment or sexual violence and the warning signs

·  Examples of prompt and effective steps to end sexual violence, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects

·  Review of factors OCR considers in determining if a sexually hostile environment has been created

·  Evaluating welcomeness

·  Confidentiality issues

·  Grievance procedures

·  The on-line training system administrator assigned by the campus will need to identify all Title IX Reporting Authorities for their institution, enter their names and email addresses into the system to provide access.

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Course-a 27 minute course that contains information about the following topics:

·  How to respond in sound ways to reported offenses of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking

·  Overview of bystander intervention

·  Overview of risk reduction