Welcome to the DSA Online Training! 28 Jan, 2021
Getting Started!
Welcome to the D.Stafford and Associates Online Training Site!
Click on the pictures inside each box to access the full content of the articles contained within.
Enjoy your training!
Reporting Structure
Reporting Structure for CSA’s
The Reporting Structure for my School is: University of South Alabama Police Department | Email: usaclery@southalabama.edu | Phone: 251-460-6312
Campus Administrative Contact Person
Campus Administrative Contact Person
If you have any questions regarding the Online Training Programs for CSAs or Responsible Employees, please contact your local campus administrator....
Prohibited Conduct
Prohibited Conduct
The University is committed to establishing and maintaining an environment where individuals are free from sex discrimination, sexual harassment, s...
Title IX Coordinator
Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator is: Deidra Byas, Title IX Office | Email: deidrabyas@southalabama.edu | Phone: (251) 461-1538
Definitions Specific to My School
Although the State of Alabama has enumerated numerous sexual offenses, the offenses that are most relevant to the typical university student experi...
Overview of the Annual Security Report
Overview of the Annual Security Report
95+ Policy Statements Regarding Various Areas, including Security and Safety Practices for the Institution
Crime Statistics